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Purposeful Reemployment Program

What is the Purposeful Reemployment Program?


It is a program specifically crafted for individuals navigating the aftermath
of a job loss. It is designed to guide you through the process of

healing and empowering you to move beyond the emotional
challenges that often accompany job loss so that you can clearly focus
on your road ahead.


We understand that the loss of a job can be overwhelming, challenging your

faith and causing you to lose sight of your life and career's purpose. Through

a transformative coaching process, drawing on real experience, and a

practical application of faith, we are committed to supporting you on

this journey.


Purposeful Reemployment takes a faith-based approach that
aims to anchor you in your faith with biblical framework, help you gain

clarity so that you can rediscover the wealth of skills and accomplishments

that you bring to the table and bring your focus back to what you are not

losing and what God has equipped you for next.  It will also offer a

supportive and safe environment for you to heal so that you can

re-envision a path forward with purpose and clarity.


Like you, I too, personally faced the struggles associated with

job loss. Having been on the front lines of corporate downsizing

during my career in the field of Human Resources, I intimately understand

the emotions of anger, rejection, and self-doubt. My own experience of receiving a

layoff notification while is was my job to support others through their job loss

led me to the realization that the first step isn't
updating your resume and starting your job search—it's

first acknowledging and recovering from the painful emotions.


Join me as I share with you the strategies to employing your faith so that you can faithfully find your way to where God is calling you next.

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Praying Hands

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

– Ephesians 2:10

Let's Get Started!


Faithfully finding your way back to work. 

Partner with me as your Career Strategy Coach and together, we can chart your course to the success you vision and God has prepared.  




Let's Get Started!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 

Romans 8:28

Contact Me

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Employ Your Faith Coaching and Career Services, LLC

P.O. Box 30084, Elkins Park, PA | United States

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